Harmony Row Campus, Ennis, Co. Clare

065 68 29432


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Extra Curricular

Ennis Community College offers a wide range of activities and all students are encouraged to involve themselves as fully as possible in the life of the school.

First years remain on the school grounds during lunch hour. This is to facilitate students in establishing long-lasting friendships by involvement in sporting and extracurricular activities.

Sporting Activities

Swimming, Basketball, Hurling, Chess, Volleyball, Tennis, Athletics, Cross Country Running, Camogie, Gaelic Football, Soccer, Badminton, Rugby, Annual Sports Day, Gymnastics, Dance, Orienteering, Yoga & Pilates.

Extra Curricular Activities

School Tours, Young Scientist Competition,Young Environmentalist Competition, Student Exchange, Educational tours, School Retreats, College Newsletter, Choir, Charitable Fundraising, Quizzes, Drama, Public Speaking, Film Club, Arts and Crafts, Set Dancing, Sean-nós Dancing, Christmas Concert, Friendship Week, Maths Week, French Week.