The Role of the Board of Management
A board of management for an ETB school has a clear remit to manage that school on behalf of the ETB, in accordance with legislation; Department of Education and Skills (DES) circulars, guidelines and procedures; and any policies or strategies that the ETB may establish regarding the operation of its schools.
The primary role of a board of management is one of governance. Governance is about providing direction and oversight for a school while ensuring that the rights of all members of the school community are upheld and that the school is accountable for its work.
The functions of a board may, in the main, be categorised under three different headings:
- Policy setting and strategic planning
- Monitoring the implementation of policy, strategy and plans
- Supporting the principal and his/her staff
Board of Management Members
Cllr Ann Norton (Chairperson)
Cllr Mary Howard
Donal O’hAinifein
Cllr Clare Colleran Molloy
Seamus Mac an Iomaire
Vivien Grogan
Tiarnan O’Ruairc
Jackie Dermody
The secretary to the Board is James O’Shaughnessy (Principal)