At Ennis Community College we have placed a strong emphasis and investment into Digital learning. All our staff have been trained on online platforms, video creation and screencasting. We integrate our teaching strategies into our online learning to effectively produce online lessons. Our school community were ahead of the curve during lockdown, rolling out lessons quickly.
Ennis Community College has partnered with Google and uses education productivity tools like Google Classroom, Google documents and Google Meet for conferencing, live streaming and student collaboration.
Pupils use their G Suite accounts to complete assignments, communicate with their teachers and learn 21st century digital skills. We have a strong focus on digital etiquette and internet safety. Our students and parents developed an internet safety music video which won two Safer internet Day webwise awards in 2019 click here to view our entry video.
We have in excess of 100 Chromebooks onsite for the use of our students and staff alongside over 100 pc’s to support your child’s learning.
Our school took part in a European project aimed to enhance the capacity of non-ICT specialist teachers to provide interactive, student-centred teaching and learning using technology.